Tim Schmidt of Delta Defense Endorses Josh Schoemann for Washington County Executive

Today, Tim Schmidt, Founder and President of Delta Defense in West Bend, announced his endorsement of Josh Schoemann for Washington County Executive in the lead up to the April 7 general election. Schmidt released the following statement regarding his endorsement:

“From the very beginning of his tenure with the county, Josh reached out to me to find out what mattered to me and my company to help us grow and prosper. I believe strongly that the best government is a small and restrained government that does the small things well.

Under Josh’s leadership the county has lived this ethos, reducing the size of government in every measurable way and focusing on priorities to improve the quality of life for all county residents. This is the type of conservative innovative thinking government needs.

As a business owner in West Bend, I am proud to support this Patriot and Army Veteran. I am voting for Josh Schoemann because he is the leader Washington County needs right now. On April 7, vote Josh Schoemann for County Executive.”

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