Campaign knocks 1000th door; announces over 850 endorsements.
West Bend, WI — In his bid to be Washington County’s first executive, Josh Schoemann boasts an impressive conservative grassroots campaign. Earlier this month, he turned in well over 1000 signatures with the help of more than 50 volunteers. On Saturday, January 25, the campaign also knocked its 1000th door.
“I am proud of the volunteer team our campaign has become,” stated Schoemann. “But, our work is just beginning. This is the first time voters will choose the leader of county government and many voters do not realize this race is on the April ballot. Between now and April 7, our campaign will continue to knock doors, make phone calls, drop literature, and organize for conservative candidates up and down the ballot.”
Schoemann has also announced over 850 endorsers, including Sheriff Marty Schulteis.
“Josh is a fierce advocate of the Sheriff’s Office to keep our communities safe,” said the sheriff. “Josh’s 2020 budget sent every dollar of new property tax revenue, and then some, to adequately fund public safety. The effective partnership between the County Administration, County Board, and Sheriff’s Office showcases Josh’s strong leadership. There’s much more we are poised to accomplish in collaboration with Josh’s leadership, and I hope the residents in Washington County see that great things are on the horizon with him as County Executive.”
Town of Hartford Supervisor Scott Lofy also provided his wholehearted support of the Schoemann campaign saying, “I am supporting Josh because he is a straight shooter and will serve as a good check and balance on the county board. He is the most experienced and the best-prepared candidate to come to work on his first day and put the people ahead of the politics. I hope you will join me in voting for Josh so he can continue serving the taxpayers in this new capacity.”
Schoemann will be meeting voters at The Hub in West Bend on Friday, January 31 from 7am-9am for Coffee with Josh. This is the first of many events for voters to directly connect with the candidate to discuss his platform. Josh is committed to running a people focused campaign.
Voters can learn more about Josh and the campaign at,, or on Twitter @JoshSchoemann. The election for Washington County’s first executive is April 7. Please see below for a complete listing of the campaign’s endorsers.
State Officials:
- Sen. Scott Fitzgerald
- Sen. Alberta Darling
- Rep. Dan Knodl
- Rep. Mark Born
- Rep. Rob Brooks
- Rep. Rick Gundrum
- Rep. Tim Ramthun
- Rep. Adam Neylon
- Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt
- Former Rep. Pat Strachota
- Former Rep. Don Pridemore
County Officials:
- Sheriff Marty Schulteis
- District Attorney Mark Bensen
- Register of Deeds Sharon Martin
- Board Chair Don Kriefall
- Former Board Chair Rick Gundrum
- Former Board Chair Herb Tennies
- Supervisor and Former Clerk of Courts Kris Deiss
- Supervisor Mike Bassill
- Supervisor Chris Bossert
- Supervisor Rock Brandner
- Supervisor Russ Brandt
- Supervisor John Bulawa
- Supervisor Jim Burg
- Supervisor Chris Jenkins
- Supervisor Denis Kelling
- Supervisor Roger Kist
- Supervisor Carroll Merry
- Supervisor Tim Michalak
- Supervisor Jeff Schleif
- Supervisor Keith Stephan
- Supervisor William Symicek
- Veterans Service Commission Member Justin Reichert
- Former Sheriff Bob Schulteis
- Former Supervisor Kenny Brandt
- Former Supervisor Mike Otten
- Former Supervisor Mike Parsons
- Former Supervisor Scott Stortz
Local Officials:
- Hartford Mayor Tim Michalak
- Hartford Common Council President Barry Wintringer
- West Bend Common Council President Steve Hoogester
- Jackson President Mike Schwab
- Richfield President John Jeffords
- Germantown President Dean Wolter
- Slinger President Russ Brandt
- Erin Chairman Dennis Kenealy
- Polk Chairman Butch Schulteis
- Farmington Chairman Chris Elbe
- Kewaskum Chairman Scott Wollner
- West Bend Alderperson Chris Jenkins
- West Bend Alderperson Rich Kasten
- West Bend Alderperson Roger Kist
- Hartford Alderperson Dennis Hegy
- Hartford Alderperson Wayne Rusniak
- Richfield Trustee Rock Brandner
- Richfield Trustee Bill Collins
- Richfield Trustee Dan Neu
- Richfield Trustee Tom Wolf
- Slinger Trustee Rick Gundrum
- Erin Supervisor Jeff Millikin
- Hartford Supervisor Scott Lofy
- Trenton Supervisor Ed Doerr
- Trenton Supervisor Jeff Esselman
- West Bend School Board President Joel Ongert
- Holy Hill Area School District Board Member Vicky Lear
- HUHS Board Member Tina Pridemore
- Hartford J1 School Board President Jeff Becker
- Former Hartford Mayor Scott Henke
- Former Hartford Mayor Dean Kirley
- Former West Bend Mayor Kris Deiss
- Former Delafield Mayor Paul Craig
- Former Mayville Mayor Lois Krueger-Gundrum
- Former West Bend Alderperson Ed Duquaine
- Former West Bend Alderperson Adam Williquette
- Former Germantown Trustee Al Campbell
- Former Richfield President Diane Pedersen
- Former Richfield Chairman Bill Neureuther
- Former Richfield Trustee Sandy Voss
- Former Slinger President Sharon Grudzinski
- Former Slinger Trustee John Dukelow
- Former West Bend Supervisor Jeff Geib
- Former HUHS Board President Deb Reinbold
- Former HUHS Board Member Dick Clement
- Former Richfield School Board Member Brian Gallitz
- Former Richfield School Board Member Dawn Sericati
Community Members:
- Richard Aamodt
- Jon and Jen Agenten
- Richard and Beverly Agenten
- Mike Anderson
- Michael and Paula Anderson
- Tammy Anderson
- Tanya Anderson
- Scott Andrae
- Nancy Angeli
- Stacy Anich
- Richard and Edith Ash
- Gary Aveni
- Lesley Avina
- Lorraine Bahr
- Adam Baker
- Kim Balzer
- Scott and LeAnn Banwart
- David Barber
- Donald Barse
- Kurt Bartel
- David Bartelt
- Don and Karen Bartman
- Colleen Baus
- James and Delaney Beauchamp
- Brian and Janet Becker
- Cory Becker
- Paula Becker
- Charles Beistle
- Robert and Karen Belger
- Bart and Lisa Bell
- Angela Benike
- Craig Benike
- Tom and Catherine Benike
- Craig and Jennelle Benson
- Marjorie Bentz
- Stephen Bera
- Mike and Sherry Berend
- James and Crystal Berg
- Don Berghammer
- Kendra Bergmann
- Tom and Dawn Bergmann
- Beth Biertzer
- Robert Bilda
- Kurt and Betsy Billitz
- Donald Binkoski
- John Binsfield
- Joe Binter
- Stephen Bintz
- Corie Blair
- Abbigail Block
- Timothy and Tami Block
- Caryn Boegel
- Lynn Boelkow
- Bethany Bogart
- John Bogues
- Michael Bolcek
- Daniel and Sue Bolha
- Dan Bothwell
- Paul and Diane Boxrud
- Jay Brandner
- Jean Breuer
- Richard Bright
- Ron and Arlene Brinkmann
- Janet Brown
- Gary Bruhn
- Gary and Valery Brussat
- Douglas Budiac
- Larry and Margery Budiac
- Todd Bultman
- Kim Burg
- Carol Burns
- Matt and Jodi Burow
- Kathy Busch
- Rick Buser
- Nick Butchart
- Gary Butzlaff
- Kristi Caddock
- Mary Camacho
- Elizabeth Carroll
- Daniel Casey
- Lavonne Casper
- Brent and Kathy Castner
- Jon and Mary Censky
- Patricia Chambers
- Michael and Kathleen Chevalier
- Judi Cimuchowski
- Gloria Cmeyla
- Stanley and Carol Cole
- Lian Collins
- Bonnie Conway
- Eli and Jewelia Cook
- Gail Cooper
- Jonathan Corbett
- Ray Cote Jr.
- Marilyn Craig
- Linda Cramer
- Jim and Tracy Creegan
- David and Renee Cull
- Jason and Coreen Cychosz
- James Daley
- Greg and Karen Darga
- Bridgette David
- Hope David
- Mike and Cheryl Davidson
- Marcus Davies
- Alan Davis
- Kathleen De Rosier
- Bonnie Debroux
- Ryan Dehling
- Jessica Deiss
- Angela DeLonget
- Jason and Renee Denz
- Aaron and Amber DeRuyter
- Christina DeRuyter
- Kerri DeTroye
- Dave Dickman
- Kory and Sarah Dogs
- Mark Dohnal
- Morgan Dommisse
- Stephen Domres
- Jerold and Lauren Donath
- David and Marilyn Dondlinger
- Terry and Mary Driscoll
- Robert and Sandra Duehring
- Thomas DuFour
- Kristin Duhr
- Jean Dukelow
- Kristen Dummer
- Russell Dykema
- Richard and Nancy Ebeling
- John Emmrich
- Luke and Tonia Emrich
- Jaden Emrich
- Levi Emrich
- Stephanie Erb
- Amber Erickson
- Tasha Ernst
- Mila Ettinger
- Andrew Fagan
- Peter Fagan
- Kathleen Fait
- Gerald Falkenstein
- Robin Fedorski
- Craig Farrell
- Scott Fell
- Jeff and Terri Feutz
- Jeff Fischer
- Nicholas and Jeannie Fischer
- Steven Fischer
- Chris and Rebecca Flynn
- Elizabeth Fortini
- Glenn Frank
- Daniel and Amanda Frey
- Steven Frey
- Brett and Leslie Fry
- Gary Fuiten
- Matt and Maureen Furno
- Chris Galasinski
- John and Jacci Gambucci
- Maureen Gehring
- Tom Gerrits
- Ralph Gevner
- Kaia Glenn
- Karl Glunz
- Annette Goeman
- Larry and Mary Goeman
- Richard Goetz
- Andrew Gonring
- Judy Goschey
- Dawn Graham
- Justin Green
- Judy Greenfield
- Pam Grefsheim
- James and Robin Gresenz
- Daryl Grier
- Amy Grinna
- Kelly Grohall
- Dan and Jessica Gross
- Patrick Groth
- Debbie Grover
- Cathy Grudzinski
- Ed and Carolyn Grudzinski
- James Gumm
- Mary Gumm
- Dean and Sandra Gunderson
- Joel Gundrum
- Linda Gurath
- Christopher Guse
- Daniel and Lois Guse
- Kara and Scott Guse
- Troy and Rozalind Guse
- Madeleine Haass
- Gordon Haberman
- Carolyn Halbauer
- Sue Hale
- Jean Hall
- Janean Handel
- John Harmon
- Megan Hart
- Jeffrey Hassinger
- John Hauser
- Brian Heckendorf
- Melvin Heckendorf
- Jenna Heinz
- Judy Held
- Kristin Held
- Sarah Held
- Scott Helms
- Deborah and Zach Hendricks
- Joe Hennes
- Matthew and Tracy Hennes
- Laura Henschel
- Betty Herdina
- Beth Hermann
- Mike Hermann
- Dianne Hess
- Sue Hilgendorf
- Michael Hilzley
- Margaret Hoepner
- Shantel Hogan
- Trisha Holbrook
- Ethan Hollenberger
- Mark Holsbo
- Mary Holtan
- Michael Horner
- Nicholas Horner
- Sandy Horst
- Tom Hostad
- Stephen Houdek
- Jeremy Husby
- Eric and Erin Isaacson
- James Jacklin
- Susan Jahn
- Judy Jarosinski
- Doug Jaskowiak
- Jacob Jilling
- Janet Jocham
- Craig Johnson
- Patt Johnson
- Robert Johnson
- Barbara Jonas
- Al and Elise Jung
- Joan Kaiser
- Henry Karius
- Jennifer Kastner
- Robert Kearns III
- Timothy Keith
- Ellen Kelling-Vukovic
- Daniel Kelm
- Joanne Kenney
- Jade Kenworthy
- Jon Kiel
- Mark and Kathleen Kielisch
- Christine Kirchner
- Carolyn Kirsch
- Andrew Klefstad
- Donna Kleinmaus
- Ronald and Marilyn Klemann
- Carl Klemme
- Coral Kline
- Brenda Klink
- Megan Klink
- Phil and Melissa Klink
- Jerry and Debra Klug
- John Knoll
- Jon and Steph Koby
- Mary Koehler
- Kenneth and Mary Kokalj
- David and Virginia Komp
- Steve Koves
- Ryan and Tanya Krause
- Lisa Kreuser
- Sandy Kriefall
- Thomas and Penelope Krist
- Kurt and Annette Kruepke
- Jerry and April Krukar
- Maureen Kruse
- Jamie Kudek
- Carol Kuehl
- Holly Kuester
- Cate Kulakowski
- Andy and Carrie Kutz
- Sue Lake
- Bob and Susan Lalk
- Steven and Kerri Lalk
- Melissa Lalk
- Rosemary Lambert
- John Lamm
- Beth Landess
- Andrea Lange
- James Larkee
- Gary and Beverly Lassanske
- Judy Lastrilla
- Christine Lauer
- Trevor Laufenberg
- John and Erin Lausten
- Daniel Lawrence
- Nicole Layman
- Scott Lear
- Tom and Kris Lechner
- Heather Leffler
- Christen A. Lemoine
- Joseph Leone
- Herbie and Karen Leong
- CJ and Shelly Lewandowski
- Martin Lewandowski
- Brandon and Samantha Lichosik
- Jack Lietzau
- Randy and Amanda Lietz
- Pat Loduha
- Herb Lofy
- Aaron Loomis
- Eric Lueck
- Jamie Luehring
- Robert Luepke
- Brittany Luther
- Mark and Kim MacDonald
- Josh Mages
- Sarah Malchow
- Keri Mallon
- Michael and Amanda Manders
- Karen Manthe
- Ed Marchewka
- Craig Martin
- David and Jeanie Martin
- David and Yvonne Martin
- Kevin Martin
- Jerry Marx
- Danny Matte
- Bethel Matthies
- Jeff May
- Albert Mayer
- Michael and Nancy Mayrhofer
- Katherine McCauley
- Lorraine McCauley
- Mark and Jen McCune
- Paul and Patricia McCune
- Bill and Ginny McGrath
- Michelle McGrew
- Joe McKillip
- Patrick McKillip
- John McLaughlin
- Chris and Amy McManigal
- Mike and Patricia McWhinney
- Sarah Medla
- Robert and Kim Meier
- Adolf and Magdalene Meinhardt
- Rebecca Meinhardt
- Nancy Melchior
- Richard and Mary Melzer
- Roshan Mendes
- Bradley and Lori Mergener
- Doug and Linda Mikolainis
- Jeremy Miller
- Mark Miller
- Ron and Linda Miller
- Hunter Milner
- Bud Moertl
- Jon Molkentin
- Al and Claudette Moll
- Rebecca Monzingo-Waters
- Quinton Mueller
- Luke Mueller
- Tim and Kim Mueller
- Sandy Mueller
- John and Mary Ann Muller
- Luis Murgas
- Lisa M. Murphy
- Kevin Nash
- Annette Neinas
- Jeanine Neitzel
- Robert and Karen Neja
- Tom Nelson
- Sherry Ness-Wenum
- Terese Neureuther
- Jason Neustedter
- Ronald Newell
- Andrew Niebler
- Heidi Nieth
- Reed Noel
- Mark Nolte
- Jill Nothem
- Justin Nothem
- Kristine Noyes
- Kathy O’Connell
- Kerri O’Dell
- Madeleine O’Keefe
- Ryan and Katherine O’Keefe
- Kristina Odermann
- Jason Oehldrich
- Michelle Olson
- James Ott
- James Pagel
- James Pamperin
- Dennis and Kim Papenthien
- Janine Park
- Jakob and Andrea Parnau
- Jonathan Pasbrig
- Robert Pasbrig
- Paul Patoka
- Robert Patten
- Starr Pauer
- Don Pedersen
- Daniel and Audrey Peterson
- Elaine Peterson
- John Peterson
- Chris and Kelly Pekrul
- Louise Pflughoeft
- Mike Phillips
- Randall Phillips
- Russell and Debra Pickhard
- Linda Pless
- Dale and Lois Poisson
- John and Kim Powers
- Nicole Pretre
- Ina Prichard
- Diane Prinz
- Kevin and Karen Pufahl
- John Puhl
- Geri Radermacher
- Lynette Rake
- Steve and Marlene Randazzo
- Victoria Ratajczyk
- David and Sharon Reich
- Cheryl Reichert
- Ken and Marilyn Reiser
- Mark Reith
- Jon Rempe
- Jack and Sarah Rettler
- Peter and Kelly Rettler
- David Rhode
- Leonard Riebau
- Zachary Rinehart
- David and Jennifer Robbins
- Tim and Carol Robinson
- Robert and Jean Robrahn
- Madeline Rodriguez
- Michael and Shari Rodriguez
- Sean Rodriguez
- Travis and Carrie Roell
- Alyssa Roethke
- Scott and Donna Roethke
- Laura Rogacki
- Tammy Rohlinger
- Jessica Romero
- Jennifer Rose
- Gerald and Luise Rosenthal
- Kenneth and Karen Roskopf
- Richard Roskopf
- Angela Rothman
- Mark and Cheri Rusch
- Tom Ryan
- Nelda Rybacki
- Matt Rydecki
- Eleanor Rzepka
- Candy Sarauer
- Leigh Sanderson
- Thomas Schall
- Tracey Schaub
- Martin and Sandra Scheele
- Susan Scheife
- Kristi Schelfout
- Kurt and Sarah Schellinger
- Jaimie Scherbert
- Tom and Lia Scherwinski
- Richard and Carol Schlei
- James and Mary Schlitt
- Del Schmechel
- Christine Schmidt
- Suzanne Schmidt
- Nathan Schneiberg
- Rita Schneider
- Jodi Schoemann
- Jonathan Schoeneck
- Ervin and Linda Schmit
- Josephine Schneider
- John Schodron
- Brian and Amy Schroeder
- Dianne Schroeder
- Henry and Jacqueline Schroeder
- Robert Schroeder
- Craig Schuett
- Donald and Mary Schulteis
- James and Terry Schulteis
- Mark and Jodi Schulteis
- Robert and Joyce Schulteis
- Roman Schulteis
- Nathan Schultz
- Thomas Schultz
- Rodney and Amy Schulz
- Matthew Schwechel
- Patricia Schwendtner
- Gary Schwind
- Daniel Scipponi
- Mary Seiser
- Mary Semler
- Jason and Beth Senfleben
- Elizabeth Senn
- Lucas Serwe
- Cheryl Shadeberg
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- Bonnie Shepherd
- Roberta Siewert
- Robert Simonsmeier
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- Jeff Slais
- David and Nancy Slinde
- Dale and Aerona Smith
- Emmalyn Smith
- Jeff Smith
- Robin Smith
- Ronald and Diane Smith
- Bob Soderberg
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- Lee and Sarah Sowin
- David Spooner
- Diane Smith
- Krista Staral
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- Ted Stefaniak
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- Aaron and Shelly Steinbrenner
- Sharon Stephan
- Nick Stewart
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- Dianna Stoffel
- Phil Stoffel
- Judi Stolp
- Paul and Stacy Stolzman
- James and Kathy Storms
- Scott Stortz
- Josh Strasser
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- Ronald Sturn
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- Dave Sukawaty
- Rodney and Jean Sundblad
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- Erich Wellinghoff
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- Gene Wendorff
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- Ashley Wiedmeyer
- Natalie Wiedmeyer
- Ruth Wiedoff
- James and Bonnie Wierzbicki
- Douglas Wilcox
- Paul Wilke
- James and Kristine Williams
- Marvin and Debbie Wittig
- Timothy Wojciechowski
- Alan Wolf
- Ryan and Amber Woody
- James and Debra Yahr
- Patricia Yocum
- Edna Zadra
- George and Paige Zagel
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- Jennifer Zuern